Lucifer's Hammer Author: Larry Niven | Language: English | ISBN:
B004478DOU | Format: PDF
Lucifer's Hammer Description
In this bestselling novel by the authors of THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE, a massive comet breaks apart and bombards the Earth, with catastrophic results: worldwide earthquakes, volanic eruptions, thousand-foot tidal waves and seemingly endless rain.. With civilization in ruins, individuals band together to survive and to build a new society. "A MEGATON OF SUSPENSEFUL EXCITEMENT ...which should keep readers going non-stop, cover to cover" -- Booklist.
"A work in the grand tradition...even the miracle of Sensurround may be inadequate to convey all the imaginative reverberations." - Los Angeles Times
"A 'Disaster' thriller of rare quality ...for its expertise and the scale of its apocalypse...Strings out the suspense almost unbearably." - John Barkham Reviews
"The first satisying end-of-the-world novel in years ultimate one...massively entertaining." Cleveland Plain-Dealer
"Take your earthquakes, waterlogged condominiums, swarms of bugs, colliding airplanes and flaming what-nnots, wrap them up and they wouldn't match one page of LUCIFER'S HAMMER for sweaty-palmed suspense." - Chicago Daily News
- File Size: 1438 KB
- Print Length: 642 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0449208133
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B004478DOU
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #9,871 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
There have been so many reviews accusing this book of being racist that I guess I'll have to address that issue before I can even talk about my opinion of the book. What a lot of people don't seem to realize these days is that there's a differnce between portraying racism (e.g. in a novel) and actually supporting racism. In my opinion Niven and Pournelle weren't trying to stereotype blacks or make any kind of political statement, they were simply depicting something that could likely take place. It's not all that far fetched to believe that an inner city LA gang of African-Americans would band together after an apocalypse and might hook up with a radical fanaticist army promising them power, plenty to eat, and no racial barriers. And they weren't the only ones doing this. As I remember, they weren't even the ones who started the cannibalism. That was an army platoon mainly composed of white guys who did that, and forced everyone else to come on board or else starve or be killed. As I see it Niven and Pournelle gave a fairly accurate depiction of race relations as they stood in 1970. If I thought they were deliberately targeting one group or another and trying to negatively stereotype them, I could just as easily complain that this book is biased against Christians since it displayed the leader of the cannibals as an insane preacher. But I don't complain because I know they weren't trying to take potshots at Christianity, they were merely portraying what could happen, same as they were portraying what could happen to an inner city gang after the end of the world.
That being said. I do think that this book was one of the best end of the world stories I have read yet. It is riveting and you won't be able to put it down after the Hammer actually falls.
I just finished "Lucifer's Hammer," and, well, I'm impressed! Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle have done a wonderful job in weaving a tale of excitement, fear, devastation, fear, desperation, and hope. This is 5-star sci-fi all the way!
If all you read is the first 100 pages, however, you probably won't agree with that. You see, the first part of the book is a bit slow in getting moving, but that's because the authors introduce a whole string of characters that interact with one another as the story and the action unfolds. And once the action starts, it doesn't stop. In fact, it makes you want to store some food, some water, some other things...and get ready for what COULD happen.
As I started reading this book I thought to myself, this book has many similarities with the movie "Deep Impact." Was I ever wrong with that assumption! This book goes way beyond "Deep Impact." It goes beyond it in that this book is not so much about events surrounding a comet-earth collision as it is about the aftermath, and how people do or do not cope with that kind of calamity.
Imagine cataclysmic events wipe out the major governments on the planet -- national, state, and local governments collapse, and people are left to fend for themselves. What will they do for food, shelter, personal safety, information, etc.? It's a whole new ballgame out there! The kinds of challenges described in the book bring out the best in some people, the worst in others, and trapped in the middle of everything that's happening are the characters you'll come to know quite well.
The characters are, for the most part, believable, the plot development is rivetting, and the conclusion is satisfying.
Do good guys always finish first? Do they even survive?
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