ECG Pocketcard 3-card Set Single Cards Author: | Language: English | ISBN:
159103003X | Format: PDF
ECG Pocketcard 3-card Set Single Cards Description
Set of three ECG pocketcards including ECG pocketcard ECG Evaluation pocketcard ECG Ruler Pocketcard
- Cards: 3 pages
- Publisher: Borm Bruckmeier Publishing LLC (January 2002)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 159103003X
- ISBN-13: 978-1591030034
- Product Dimensions: 0.2 x 3.8 x 7.2 inches
- Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces
Even though i generally dislike pocket cards, this one has worked its way to my heart pretty fast and now it is the only one i am carrying during my residency (long) days.
I am one of those unlucky enough guys to have difficulty memorizing some specific EKG recordings however hard i tried.
For that, i found in this card a friend faster than the internet or any book, because of its simplicity and tons of ekg details included there including difficult scenarios. Of course being a pocket card it does not include explanations - whys, hows etc but is pretty detailed and filled with stripes.
By Rodis Paparodis
I bought this set 5 years ago (2006), and I can tell you that it has helped me uncountable times.
I uploaded 4 images of the ECG pocketcard set, so you can get a nice idea of how practical these are.
I work at an O.R. & I.C.U. where we have monitorized patients and ECG abnormalities (mainly arrhytmias and A-V blocks) are frequently seen.
What I like more:
Fast and easy consultation of A-V Blocks: It has a nice resume of A-V blocks with a graphic example of each one, So when you check frequently the set you really learn about A-V blocks.
Easy way to measure cardiac rate and intervals (PR, QT) with the border of the card where you find a measured guide.
Easy way to find ECG axis and Qt intervals.
Can be easily scratched mostly in the borders so don't let the set unpacked. I will advice you to have it in a small zipped plastic bag.
I think it is a fabulous help at a very reasonable price. Don't doubt it, you will like it a lot.
By Luis Angel Betancur F
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